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HOD's Welcome Address

We live in a world of limited resources, economics as a field of study helps us decide how to use these limited resources to satisfy our never-ending list of wants and needs. In its most simple and concise definition, economics is the study of how society uses its limited resources. As a science of decision-making, economic philosophy operates in our daily lives. When we are evaluating the interest rates on our credit cards or trying to decide whether to buy or lease a new car, these are all decisions we make using economic thinking.

Department of Economics at the Obafemi Awolowo University was founded in 1962 as one of the foundation Departments of the University. The Department has grown over the years to become the largest in the Faculty of Social Sciences and one of the largest in the University. Our students are prepared with relevant skills for highly rewarding careers.

We offer a very broad range of courses spanning almost all aspects of economic and business life leading to B.Sc. Economics. Our Students have been doing very well in all sectors of the national economy most especially in the financial sector where many of them occupy topmost positions. Other courses leading to strong academic and business oriented programs are also offered at Postgraduate levels in economics. We also run M.Sc and Ph.D in economics for students intending to pursue advanced course in Economics.

Based on the recent development in the global market, the relevance of economic knowledge in virtually every discipline and sphere of work has increased. Professionals and institutions from public and private sectors have expressed demand for intensive courses of shorter duration in economics that can enhance their productivity and performance. Besides, there is increasing demand for advance studies in economics from both workers in the public and private sectors who do not have formal background in economic science. To add value in disseminating this required knowledge of economics, The Department has introduced new postgraduate programmes in response to the contemporary global market demand. Some of these programmes are:

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Economics (PDE)
  • Master of Economic Science (MES-Executive)
  • Master of Philosophy in Economics (M.Phil).

The Department of Economics is highly equipped with 30 seasoned academic staff across different caders and non teaching staff who have contributed immensely to the success story of the department.

It is with joy that I welcome you to the Department of Economics at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Osun State, Nigeria.

B. A. Folorunso, PhD

Professor and Head of Department

Our Skilled Instructors

Departmental News

Application for Postgraduate Programmes in the Department of Economics

November 9, 2019

The Postgraduate College is currently accepting applications for admission into the various programmes…

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